Been a tough and unforgiving year in many ways, my health and mobility taking a real step backwards as well as the death of my sister Lynne in March due to cancer.
Then ending 2012 back on antibiotics plus 24/7 bed rest from cellulitis has really knocked me around and for a little bit, I was really starting to doubt my ability to keep going, but after talking to my kids, as usual, they helped me focus on the positives in my life and has made me more determined than ever to finally take control back of my medical / health situation which will in turn help with my weight loss and fitness.
Small steps.
No drastic plans, no dieting, just keeping things simple, basic and manageable, one day at a time and learning that even though my life feels out of my control on so many aspects doesn't make it impossible, just makes it more rewarding when I do finally end up heading in the right direction.
One thing I was going to stop was this blog, I felt that since I wasn't losing, wasn't successful, in fact my life was extraordinarily boring that I was being a fool in keeping it going, actually I'm still umming and ahhing, but for now, here is the last post for 2012, I may be back 1st Jan determined to keep my blog open, we will see.