@ 233.2 kg   Lymphoedema   @ 207.7 kg

Every day challenges of my life, physically, mentally & emotionally.
About my family, pets, weight loss & exercise plus becoming healthier & managing my lymphoedema & other medical problems.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wed 11th Jul

I keep meaning to make a post in response to some suggestions in whether or not I have thought about going 100% wheat free or grain free?

Thank you so much for thinking of me and making these suggestions, I do value all your opinions and love reading all your successes as you all follow which ever plan works for you, so thanks :)

I spoke to my doctor about this and she is suggesting that I stick to the WW plan for next 6 months as she is monitoring my blood work and wants to just work on a few things at a time, so no major changes till we work out my thyroid, iron, vit B12, vit D levels.

All my other levels, cholesterol, sugars etc, are more than excellent and she's happy for me to continue with what I'm doing.

She thinks it's going to take time to stabilise my body enough to allow my lymphoedema to take a back seat to my weight losses to come and that's what we're working on at the moment.

I go back for more blood tests in 4 weeks or so and we'll re-evaluate my thyroxine levels then and do more tweaking if necessary.

Unfortunately, the lymphoedema plays a major part in all the decisions etc I have to make with diet as I have to be very careful in what I add or take out of the equation as it has to be beneficial to improving my lymphatic system which is so compromised already.

Complicated I know :(

Ok, so side effects from going to gym have shown up already which is a major bummer, mainly because of the dramatically increased weight of my legs being so different right to left, it's thrown my back out, the left side small of my back to be precise, woke up in incredible pain and moving is agony, so taking aspro and going to get Michael to put some deep heat on shortly, so hopefully that will take care of that.

But if it's still sore tomorrow, I will postpone gym till next week - which I'm not happy with, but have to protect my back!

10.30 PM

Ok, a lot of pain now, taken panadol, endone, had deep heat massages, very painful damn it, don't think I will be going tomorrow definitely, need to rest and get this back right again.

Dinner was apricot chicken with rice - very nice, plus small mars bar (2 pts) for sweets.

100% on track and feeling good about that part of things.


  1. Thanks for updating on your doctor's advice.

    Sorry your legs are being such a pain. At least you've managed to nit let them beat you.


  2. ohh bugger the back pain...hope you feeling a lot better soon.
    I am still battling my thyroid meds...takes a while to tweak it just right!!


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