Daily Tracking
Daily Pts Used: 52/60
Weekly Pts Used: 00/49
Exercise Pts: 6
Daily Pts Used: 52/60
Weekly Pts Used: 00/49
Exercise Pts: 6
I made it back to gym again this afternoon - felt really good going and the weather was gorgeous, so Toni and I had windows down, cool breeze, blue sky and music blaring on our way there and home.
We also stopped for a skinny cappucino afterwards too which felt so sinful but ohh it was so much fun being out in public, with lots of people milling around smiling at us :)
Our normal trainers weren't there today, so I only had the piece of paper Mel had worked out my program on to follow but that was ok, the music and the general vibe of the place really helped to keep me working and motivated. Good hard workout.
Dinner tonight was a bit of a bust unfortunately, we had chicken skewers (BBQ and Satay Chicken) but they just didn't taste right and were quite fatty inside - so that was a meal wasted (though the dogs thought they were delicious)
Oh well, tomorrow is D Day for us or me (Vit B12 injection plus blood tests) and the kids and I are also having diabetes skin prick tests as well just to rule that out. Results for my tests should be in on Sunday hopefully, so fingers crossed.
Lovely Subway for lunch yesterday - sorry bout the bite gone LOL I couldn't resist hehehe.
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