@ 233.2 kg   Lymphoedema   @ 207.7 kg

Every day challenges of my life, physically, mentally & emotionally.
About my family, pets, weight loss & exercise plus becoming healthier & managing my lymphoedema & other medical problems.

Monday, January 11, 2016

FB page

My new FB page that I've been working on.  Because I'm on FB the majority of the time and for ease of being able to communicate with most of you, I decided to "try" and see if having an FB page will help me in being more active.

Not that I have that much to say per se, but I am trying :)  I know so many of you have said that it's all interesting to you and that I should continue to blog all aspects not just "weight loss" so I have started to try and open myself up more in sharing not just the good times but the bad times, the every day times, my daily challenges in living with lymphoedema, trying to eat healthier, learning exercises and ways to help ease the chronic pain etc.

So, this blog of course is my home :)  But my FB page is the link between my real life FB and here.. a gateway if you will.. there are still people on my real life FB who I don't want knowing details about my "other" life purely because I know they will judge me and I can't deal with that right now.  I know that's not right, but because they're "family" well, I'm trying to do the best I can.

So, please if you haven't had a chance yet, I'd love you to pop over to my FB page, like it, share it, leave a visitor post for me :) .. be gentle, I'm really nervous about this.

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